There was a tree in the garden of Eden called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The tree had many fruits but God forbade both Adam and Eve not to eat it.
Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.
In the quoted scripture, God tells man that he can freely eat fruits from any tree in the Garden of Eden except fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil because doing that would lead to death. However, satan came to the garden of Eden disguised as a serpent and deceived Eve when she ignorantly entertained discussion with him. She ate the forbidden fruit and gave a portion of it to her husband Adam.
Eve and Adam’s disobedience brought death and all forms of calamity upon mankind. The forbidden fruit of this time is sin and God's warning remains: the world needs to run away from the forbidden fruits of sexual sin like fornication, adultery, prostitution, porn addiction, masturbation, pedophilia, gigolo, bestiality, sexting, husband and wife swapping (swinging), addiction to hard drugs and among many others. I want to encourage you to read your Bible daily so you can learn the many things that God forbids and avoid them. The Bible says that the wages of sin is death. Sin can ruin your life and it will defile you. It can hinder you from entering the kingdom of heaven. Don’t toy with sin, run away from sin. Run, friend! Run so you are not destroyed by it. You are empowered to live a life without sin in Jesus’ name.
Are You Born Again?
If you have not given your life to Jesus, you can seize this opportunity and give your life to Him. All you need do is be sincere and confess Him as your Lord and Saviour. Then, he will turn your life aorund for good and make you a new person.
Awesome! That's great!
Say This Prayer With Sincerity:
Lord Jesus I come to you today and know that I'm a sinner.
I repent of my sins and I confess my sins to you today (mention them).
Jesus, I accept you as my personal Lord and savior.
I promise to serve you all my days.
Beloved, Welcome to the Body of Christ!
Congrats! Now, you are part of God's family and you have the holy spirit living in you. What you need to do now is to search for a bible-believing church around you and begin to fellowship there. Also, you need to get a Bible, and read it as well as pray everyday. You are mightly loved!