Those who serve God in Spirit and truth need to pray to Him every day. As a believer in Christ, prayer is not an option. It is a necessity. Prayer is a spiritual force that the forces of darkness cannot withstand. It is also communication with God.
Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.
In this scripture, Jesus speaks with His clarion voice and tells us that we ought to always pray and not to faint, get tired, or give up. When going through a difficult situation, you don’t need to worry or lose heart. What you need to do is communicate your troubles to Almighty God who has the power to bring a solution to your problems.
Pray is not just for bad times. When in good times, you need to pray. Satan and his agents of darkness are never at rest and want to disrupt your good times. So you need to resist Satan and His activities against you through prayer. In modern society, we are so busy with activities that we can’t find time to pray. As a believer in Christ, you need to find time out of no time to pray. Your prayer should be at least an hour everyday. It's good if you can do more because spending quality time in prayer is powerful and effective.
God knows all that we need and He can give them to us but He wants us to ask from Him and depend on Him through our fellowship and prayer. When we do, He supplies our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. I want to encourage you to build your prayer life. Pray when you feel like praying and pray when you don’t feel like praying. Pray every day and you will prevail every day. God will remove every barrier to your progress as you pray like never before in Jesus’ name.
Are You Born Again?
If you have not given your life to Jesus, you can seize this opportunity and give your life to Him. All you need do is be sincere and confess Him as your Lord and Saviour. Then, he will turn your life aorund for good and make you a new person.
Awesome! That's great!
Say This Prayer With Sincerity:
Lord Jesus I come to you today and know that I'm a sinner.
I repent of my sins and I confess my sins to you today (mention them).
Jesus, I accept you as my personal Lord and savior.
I promise to serve you all my days.
Beloved, Welcome to the Body of Christ!
Congrats! Now, you are part of God's family and you have the holy spirit living in you. What you need to do now is to search for a bible-believing church around you and begin to fellowship there. Also, you need to get a Bible, and read it as well as pray everyday. You are mightly loved!