Being happy is a matter of choice. There are many unpleasant things happening in our world today that can make us unhappy. It could also be in our personal lives. God told me that this year is a year of happiness for the people of God. This means that God will do some great things in the lives of those who serve Him in spirit and in truth. I know without any shadow of doubt that God will cause a divine transformation in the lives of His people because He will reward them abundantly.
Go, eat your bread with joy, And drink your wine with a merry heart; For God has already accepted your works.
Seize life! Eat bread with gusto, Drink wine with a robust heart. Oh yes—God takes pleasure in your pleasure!
This scripture here tells us to eat with happiness and drink with a merry heart because God has accepted our works. As a matter of fact, He takes pleasure in our pleasure and happiness. Do whatever you do with God in mind because He will fill your heart with joy like never before. If people or circumstances around you are not making you happy, create happiness for yourself by singing songs of praise to the Lord. Read your Bible and watch sermons that will lift up your Spirit. Listen to gospel music, watch christian movies and read christian literature that will boost your faith in God. Be in agreement with the word of the Lord this year. Be happy and serve your God with joy! Hallelujah!
Are You Born Again?
If you have not given your life to Jesus, you can seize this opportunity and give your life to Him. All you need do is be sincere and confess Him as your Lord and Saviour. Then, he will turn your life aorund for good and make you a new person.
Awesome! That's great!
Say This Prayer With Sincerity:
Lord Jesus I come to you today and know that I'm a sinner.
I repent of my sins and I confess my sins to you today (mention them).
Jesus, I accept you as my personal Lord and savior.
I promise to serve you all my days.
Beloved, Welcome to the Body of Christ!
Congrats! Now, you are part of God's family and you have the holy spirit living in you. What you need to do now is to search for a bible-believing church around you and begin to fellowship there. Also, you need to get a Bible, and read it as well as pray everyday. You are mightly loved!